Can I Buy a Laptop with NDIS Funding?

If you are an NDIS participant, you might be wondering, "Can I buy a laptop with NDIS funding?" This article explores how NDIS funding works for assistive technology.

Updated on Feb 19, 2024
5 min read


The National Disability Insurance Scheme focuses on providing support to people with disabilities. These support services help them take part in everyday activities and achieve their goals.

The NDIS funds a wide range of supports. This includes different types of assistive technology. For example, mobility aids, home modifications, assistive listening devices, and more. 

But you might ask yourself, "Can I buy a laptop with NDIS funding?"

In most cases, an NDIS laptop purchase is not approved. But, if you need a laptop because of your disability, you might be able to buy it using NDIS funding. 

If you want to know more about NDIS laptop funding, this article will give you all the answers. 

Can I Buy a Laptop With NDIS Funding?

Those who are eligible for the NDIS receive financial support. The NDIS is designed for people with permanent and significant disabilities. 

Through NDIS funding, participants receive the help they need to live independently. This also includes funding for assistive technology for those who need it. 

The NDIS is clear about which specific types of assistive technology funding covers. But some types of technology fall into the grey area. 

This includes laptops and iPads. 

In theory, NDIS funding shouldn't cover a laptop if you don't need it. The reason NDIS funding doesn't cover laptops is because they're considered general household appliances.

But, if the laptop is for the specific needs and goals outlined in your NDIS plan, you might be able to buy it. 

A laptop can be considered assistive technology. You just need to prove it can help you with your disability-related needs. 

But if you want to use the laptop for entertainment or education, the funding won't cover it.

The decision depends on your circumstances and the approval of your NDIS plan.

NDIS Funding Requirements for Laptops

The NDIS understands the importance of assistive technology. After all, the goal of the NDIS is to improve the lives of people with disabilities. 

You can buy a laptop through NDIS funding. The laptop just needs to meet your disability-related requirements. In other words, the purchase has to be reasonable and necessary. 

The requirements for buying a laptop through NDIS funding include:

  • Relevance to disability
  • Goal alignment
  • Professional recommendation
  • Cost justification

You should explain how the laptop directly relates to your disability. The challenges you face should also be mentioned.

You may struggle with communication, learning, or accessing information due to your disability. In these cases, a laptop can be essential.

Show how the laptop helps you work towards the goals outlined in your NDIS plan. If it aids you in:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Social participation
  • Independence 

Then, your chances of approval are increased.

It can be helpful if a professional supports your need for a laptop in writing. It can be your healthcare provider or therapist.

They can describe how it benefits you and how it is crucial for your overall well-being.

Specify the cost of the laptop. Explain why it is a reasonable expense considering your disability-related needs. 

If there are cheaper alternatives that serve the same purpose, mention them.

Remember, the NDIS funding decision is individual. They assess each case based on the unique needs and circumstances of the participant.

It's advisable to communicate openly with your NDIS planner or support coordinator. Explain how the laptop will support your goals and improve your life.

NDIS Eligibility for Smart Devices

NDIS funding for a smart device is based on what's reasonable and necessary. 

A smart device is necessary if it's needed to access disability support. But, eligibility isn't granted if you already have a laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

Of course, NDIS funding eligibility for assistive technology is tied to general NDIS eligibility

To apply for the NDIS, you need to be:

  1. Between the ages of 18 and 65 years old
  2. An Australian citizen (or a permanent visa or Protected Special Category visa holder)
  3. Permanently or significantly disabled

Even if you check all three boxes, you still need to prove that you need the laptop. 

A person with a speech impairment may need a laptop with communication software or apps.

A student with a learning disability may need a laptop to use specialised software. They may need to use educational apps or assistive technology tools for learning.

Laptops can also serve as a hub for integrating various assistive technologies. For example, screen readers, magnification software, or alternative input devices. 

How to Apply for a Laptop Through NDIS Funding

Getting a laptop through NDIS funding is a straightforward process.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Contact your NDIS planner to discuss your needs.
  2. Work together to identify how a laptop can help you with your disability.
  3. Provide relevant documents about your disability and the need for a laptop.
  4. If possible, get support from a healthcare provider or therapist. They should explain how a laptop is crucial for your well-being.
  5. Work with your NDIS planner to choose a suitable laptop that meets your needs. The laptop should also fit within the allocated budget.
  6. Submit receipts and any required documentation to the NDIS for reimbursement.
  7. Once you have the laptop, set it up according to your needs.

If the NDIS approves your need for a laptop, it will be included in your NDIS plan. The plan outlines the type of laptop needed and how it supports your goals.

Remember, open communication with your NDIS planner is key throughout the process. 

Clearly express why the laptop is essential for you. Work together to ensure that it aligns with your disability-related goals.

Determining the Necessity of a Laptop

It's important to determine that a laptop is a necessity for you. This means you must explain how the device will specifically address your needs. 

The NDIS considers various factors for funding. For example, disability-related challenges, goals, and aspirations. 

The laptop should meet the criteria set in the NDIS Price Guide. It also must be directly related to your disability. It should be effective, beneficial, and provide value for money.

The type of laptop eligible for NDIS funding will depend on your specific needs.

For example, if you have visual impairments, you may need a larger screen or specialised software. If you have mobility impairments, you may need a touchscreen or specific keyboards.

To apply for NDIS funding for a laptop, you'll need to go through the NDIS planning process. You also have to provide evidence of your disability. In other words, you must explain how a laptop will help you. 

The NDIS planner will determine how reasonable your request is. This is where the amount of funding is also determined.

What Type of Technology Does the NDIS Fund?

The NDIS funds various types of assistive technology to support people with disabilities.

The types of assistive technology that may be funded by the NDIS include:

  • Communication aids: Devices that help people with communication impairments. These can be speech-generating devices and communication apps.
  • Mobility aids: Equipment designed to help with mobility. For instance, wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, and mobility accessories.
  • Orthoses and prostheses: Custom-made or off-the-shelf devices that support or replace a body part. Common examples include orthopedic braces, splints, and prosthetic limbs.
  • Home modifications: Changes to the home environment to improve accessibility and independence. This includes ramps, handrails, and bathroom modifications.
  • Vehicle modifications: Adaptations to vehicles to make them accessible for individuals with disabilities. For example, wheelchair lifts, hand controls, and modified seating.
  • Assistive listening devices: Devices designed to help people with hearing impairments. This includes hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems.
  • Vision aids: Tools and devices to help people with visual impairments. These could be screen readers, magnifiers, or Braille displays.
  • Personal care technology: Devices that aid with personal care tasks. This includes shower chairs, hoists, and other equipment to support daily living activities.
  • Computer and technology aids: Adapted computers and specialised software designed to meet the needs of those with disabilities.
  • Sensory equipment: Tools that provide sensory stimulation or support sensory processing needs. For example, sensory rooms and sensory integration devices.

Understanding How NDIS Funding Works

The NDIS provides funding for laptops as part of their support for assistive technology. But, eligibility requirements are important factors in getting the funding. This also applies to the need for a laptop for disability-related needs.

If you need help navigating the NDIS system, Inclusive Home Care is here for you. We can answer any questions you may have about the NDIS. 

We are also here to help you get the assistance you need. Your comfort and independence are a priority for us.

If you want to know more, feel free to reach out to us.

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